Tuesday, October 10, 2006

No, I'm not dead...

... but I haven't done much with the repack lately either. Money and time are a minor issue right now. The biggest issue is the fact that since early September I've been battling varied illnesses of one type or the other and just haven't felt like doing much.

I'll get back started on it as soon as I get to feeling better...

Later (B)

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Update with some Pics

Here's a pic of the CoCo3 mobo. This mod was far less nerve-racking than the MPI was. One jumper, remove a transistor and attach the proper voltages where they need to go. Bingo!!!!

This one I fretted over for a fews days prior to doing, as it is my ONLY MPI. It worked out well that Cloud9 had already completed the PAL upgrade before I even got the thing. Knowing how sensitive these are, I put it off as long as I could. Removing the IC (9) I think, was the hardest part. The instructions I followed didn't say anything about removing Q1, but, after looking at the schematics I did it anyway since with the base and emitter disconnected from the circuit it was pretty useless...

(I'll post more later on since I do not have the docs in front of me right now...)

Monday, September 04, 2006

9/4/06 - Another quick update:

Sorry for the lack of pics and updates lately. Been fighting an abscesed tooth and a stomach virus. The good news is, I was also able to get my MPI to run from DC from the ATX power supply without frying it (yea me!!!).

On a side note, it looks as if I'm getting a Model IV, in a Model III silver case, that has power supply problems. The original owner says the monitor PS is bad. I didn't know until I go to doing a little research, but, the monitor in those is a 12vdc monitor. I've never owned a Model III/IV before and am looking forward to trying to get it to run from an ATX power supply also and actually working with one. I figure a 200-250w Mini-ATX should do the trick.

I've got to prioritize here, so the CoCoIII repack comes first, then I'll get to work on the Model IV.

As soon as I remember to bring the digital camera home from work, I'll get som pics of the mods to the CoCoIII mobo and MPI to show the mods I made to get them to run from the ATX, as well as a pic of it playing Tetris... Now, I've got to order Roy's VGA adapter to get everthing running...

Sunday, August 20, 2006

8/20/06 - Quick update

Got my cc3 repack board running from an ATX power supply today. Pics to come later...

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Some close-ups...

Well, I changed my mind on the location of the LCD electronics. I just mounted them back on the LCD where they were, made some minor adjustments and it all looks a little cleaner.

The next two shots are a little misleading as the LCD is almost perfectly level.

My own eBay Auction

This blows me away. I comment to CaptCPU several times on how high Coco2's have been selling. Now, my own auction for the original Model III floppy drives

Model III Floppies

went for $43.00 ea. A little shocked...

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Repack Pics

This pic is part of the aluminum frame that the boards will mount to. It will most likely be coated in liquid urethane when done. The Mobo will be mounted on it's side, not necessarily as shown, to allow plenty of room for the Cloud9 add-ons.

The 15" LCD power supply and controller wil be mounted to the inside left of the case. The power supply, being AC, will piggyback off of the PC power supply AC socket.

This is by no means even close to what I want. Just was looking for an idea of what she would look like.

Again, just getting a feel for her looks...

Here's how I modified the back of the LCD. Since my hot xacto knife is dead, I used a regular xacto, a MAP gas torch, sandpaper and a good bit of elbow grease. Now I just gotta decide whether to leave it black or paint it white when I paint the rest of the case...

Well, here's me... I have never posted a pic of myself on the internet before for fear of being the star attraction of a 'priceless' chain mail.

BTW, Capt. Cris, sorry I stole your colors, but, the grey really was ugly.

And if anyone protests me having links to thier sites, I will take them down...

First post!!!

Well, this is it!! Cris over at The Coco Collector talked me into it, so here I am. This is officially my unofficial site I will use to track the progress of my Coco 3 re-pack project. I'm terribly new at blogging so forgive me if I suck at it.

Here is a pic of the Model III shortly after discecting it. Next to the case you can see the part of the CRT that actually broke off. In the Navy, we referred to it as the electron gun. Don't know what they call it now....

Here's all the innard from it. Yep, all circuit boards. Sold on eBay to a guy in Austria. The keyboard went to Belgium and I'm still waiting to find out where the floppy drives will go.

When I get home later, I'll post some progress picks of the rack I'm making to mount the cc3 mobo, the MPI and all of the LCD parts...