The 15" LCD power supply and controller wil be mounted to the inside left of the case. The power supply, being AC, will piggyback off of the PC power supply AC socket.

Again, just getting a feel for her looks...

Here's how I modified the back of the LCD. Since my hot xacto knife is dead, I used a regular xacto, a MAP gas torch, sandpaper and a good bit of elbow grease. Now I just gotta decide whether to leave it black or paint it white when I paint the rest of the case...
Oh oh! Paint it silver again! :) The paint used is the Mercedes-Benz Astro Silver Metallic (1978 to the mid-80s). Around $50.00 in a 12.5 oz spray can with primer and clearcoat. Although you could easily use a much cheaper base and clearcoat (Tandy didn't use either which is why it rubs off so easily) and the base is about $25.00. Cheaper still would be a 2 oz. bottle (about $15.00) and mix it with a suspension and spray it on with an airbrush. Note: I haven't gotten to the poiint where I've tried this yet with my own project, but it should work.... theo-retically-speaking, that is. Grin.
Of course, I suppose you could paint it white for about $2.50, so... heh!
Angel's Luck,
Jeez... $50 is more than I paid for the MIII case, WITH shipping (though I've more than made my money back through eBay)!!!!. I've got a little time to think about it still (thankfully). I was originally thinking Coco3 white, but the silver does look cool...
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