Thursday, May 31, 2007

One month later...

Well, it's been a month since my last update. Busy is an understatement. In that time, one of my office's moved (the other moves in June), I've moved into my house, my oldest has graduated from high school and is now infinitely smarter than the rest of the world. I have in-laws staying with me (as I alluded to on my post on the Collector) and I must say I'm ready for a vacation. Again. Last week we took a trip to Kennedy Space Center. Neat place to visit with your family. Leave the in-laws behind.

I love my mother in law, great lady. I'd love to run her camera over with an M1-A1, shoot it with the nose gun of an A-10 and then nuke it a few times for good measure. We couldn't walk past a street sign without her wanting a group photo. Anytime I talk to her husband I feel like I'm talking to the Rain Man because he repeats himself 5 times. Tries to be a decent guy, but, he has absolutely NO self confidence. Kinda sad really...

What's this all got to do with the CoCoIII Repack? Not a damn thing. I just need a place to vent and since it's my blog...

Guess I can throw a CoCo3 related statement in here. I won an eBay auction for a CoCo3, CCR-82, deluxe joystick and Tetris. $2.26 plus shipping.

The repack is alive and well. It's sitting on a stand at the new house next to my PC. Just waiting for the final closing on my house then I'm either going to build a garage or a big ass shed and Evil Lab South East will be functional again. With all of the projects I've got going, the sooner the better. I need to finish my Christmas light sequencers so in September I can start hanging the lights and testing them.

Catch y'all later...


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Captain Computer said...

You should turn a CoCo into a light controller for the Christmas lights. Wait... that'd be another project. heh...

Good to have ya back.

Angel's Luck,

Brian said...

That would be a good project, alas, the old girls just ain't fast enough to sync the lights with music...