Friday, February 11, 2011

New CoCo related forum

Hello everyone. Just dropping in to let you guys know I'm still here, still kicking, and still working on the repack. S - L - O - W - L - Y. But, I am still working on it. Several other projects have side-tracked it. I was working with one of Roger Taylor's Serial Paks and getting it to run with an XBee wireless modem. There is a complete write up for that coming out in the next CoCoNutz issue. I've also gotten quite a few web sites to work on, which has taken a chunk of my time.

For the last two weeks, though, the thing that took the majority of my time was the creation of a CoCo related forum. I had quite a few requests for this, and I finally caved in. It's sort of a work in progress, but, it's functional, and hopefully will start seeing some increased traffic. If you want to take a look and maybe join up and post, go here.

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