Saturday, March 20, 2010

MPI Hell -> CoCo Hell

I have no clue what it is about my MPI's, but, the things never seem to want to work right. Just got one this week and it was not working well. At all. Noticed noise coming from the transformer so I switched it. Didin't help at first . Got out another CoCo3 and it works perfect with this one. Now my frustration level goes up a little higher. I get out the MPI I've been fighting with for a few years. The one I know did not work on several CoCo3's. The one I replaced almost ALL of the IC's on and it still did not work right.

So, now I try the MPI on this other CoCo3. Floppy access is flawless (it even loaded Gold Runner 2000, the other one will not - no PAL upgrade). Plugged in the Speech & Sound Cart - normal boot, normal operation - cool. Next, I plug in the Orchestra 90 - looks like a bunch of Egyptian hieroglyphics on the screen. Okay, so the MPI does NOT like the O-90 - this particular MPI never has. Weird stuff....

1 comment:

Steve M. said...

Thats is wild and it figures. Perhaps the connectors for some reason mate much better between the 2. Sorta like love at first site....