Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Ummmm, I guess not...

Well, I guess November 1st was not realistic. With having to set up the Christmas lights and finishing the controllers and SSRs, I just had no time for much of anything else.

Speaking of the Christmas lights, here are two videos from them (please excuse the piss poor quality of the vide, the camcorder died and I had to use a digital camera):

I have been trying to keep up with eVilBay auctions over at the CoCoHut when I can. However, since I no longer have an internet connection at home, this has been sporatic at best...

As I said in an earlier post, I had a 24 X 31 (wanted a 36' garage but the wife objeted) metal garage put up back in October. I am currently planning and working on adding a loft too it for storage so I can actually reclaim some floorspace. After emptying 3 storage units, there's not a lot of room left... Anyway, a small section of this will be set aside for CoCo and computer work in general. The rest will support my other numerous hobbies (woodworking, auto restoration, electronics, etc...). Hopefully I'll get back to the repack in the coming weeks, time will tell.

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