Sunday, March 11, 2007

Playing and testing

Here's my latest test - FlightsimII running. The Monitor is just sitting on Model III case right now. I intend to use a switch similar to the original Model III and get rid of the toggle that is shown dangling out from under the LCD. I will be soldering a power cable to the AC input of the ATX for the LCD (it's power supply is internal).

As you can see, there is an issue with centering on this monitor. I believe this is due to the fact that this monitor prefers 1024x768 and it's only being driven at 640x480. Whenever I try to adjust the settings, a message pops up saying 'OSD Locked Out.' This message is from the LCD itself and not Roy's adapter. I am working with Roy to resolve this issue and I'm sure we'll be able to.

I am now using the Model IV keyboard. After many painstaking hours of working out the key matrix difference between the CoCo3 and the Model IV, I started to cut traces, soldered jumper wires, got out the chicken bones and Holy Water and drew a couple pentagrams for good measure, only to find it still didn't work real well. After much looking at traces and jumpers, I began to look at the header for the keyboard cable. It seems that in the real world, the 20 pin connector I used for the keyboard cable has the odd and even rows reversed. After flipping all 10 pairs of ribbon wires, Frankenstein's monster lives (well, at least Brian's does...)

That's all for now....


UPDATE!!!! Fixed the offset issue!!!

Here's an up close view of FSII.

As the Linux folks say RTFM!!! (In my defense, I didn't have the manual. I had to look it up on HP's website.... :) )


Captain Computer said...

Dang that is looking good! Congrats on the evil genius number with Model III keyboard. Brilliant! BWahahaha!

What was the fix on the monitor? Just wondering if it's a common fix, or something specific to the HP monitor.

Angel's Luck,

PS Are you saying Linux has manuals? Huh. Who knew. :)

Brian said...

Yeah, in linux if you type 'man commandname' it'll pull up a manual page for that command.

Hold the menu button on the LCD for 10 seconds and it unlocks the OSD functions... :)

Brian said...

BTW, thanks, that keyboard was about to drive me bananas...

And to answer you q, it was specific to this HP LCD, tho others could be the same...
