Sunday, March 18, 2007

MAJOR update w/pics!!!!

I finally got Omidisk working this weekend. What better way to celebrate than making a few disks of demos and watching them to see how they look on a monitor that is 20 years younger than the CoCo III itself.

I have also taken the time to make a cable and install 2-3.5" Floppies and 1-5 1/4" floppy so making backups will be much easier. Now I've got to get up the testicular fortitude to make an MPI extender cable and mount the MPI and the continue awaiting the arrival of Cloud-9's SuperBoard (which is when the fun begins :D )

This first grouping of pics is from the Spectral Associates/Tandy demo from Curtis Boyle's website.

If your not familiar with the guy who made the demo which provided these next two pics, you've been living a VERY sheltered life. Sock Master is nothing short of a genius. The rumor mill is rife with tales of his upcoming proggy which is set to debut at this years CoCoFest. Nick and Mary are 'in the know' and I hear Briza will as well in the coming days...

So, while these folks will be full of wisdom, the rest of us get to suffer and wait unit the 'Fest (those of us who cannot go, even longer... :P )


briza said...

Hi Rodder.

I just found out that Socks will be setting up a webpage with a download of his new Proggy on the Day of The Fest.
And it looks like I'll be waiting for the Fest day as well to find out what Socks proggy is about as well.



Brian said...


Sorry to hear that. While I was a little jealous (and who wouldn't be I ask!!!) I was definitely rooting for ya to get it had have a review ready for release for day one!!!!

