Quick parts list:
74HC4066 - $0.31 ea Jameco #74HC4066
10Kohm resistor - $0.69 Jameco #108126
47kohm resister - $06.9 Jameco #108206
Stripboard - Large $1.95 http://www.futurlec.com/ProtoBoards.shtml
6 pin circular DIN plug, inline, $1.26 Digikey - CP-1060-ND
Wire suitable for use as jumpers
I've included most items except the DB-9 connectors. A 14 pin IC socket for each 4066 would be advisable but not necessary. This construction would make two complete adapters.
I might have to try this one. :) I was eyeballing that auction as well, but I'm determined to do-it-muhself. Well, maybe... Cool design!
Angel's Luck,
PS Okay, so I won't actually get to build this for awhile, but I went ahead and ordered the parts because I'm... um... a doofus.
Go for it. Just remember, that the traces are all on the underside of the stripboard, and you need to take an 1/8-3/16" drill bit to break the traces under the IC's. jameco actually had the male DB-9 parts, I think @ $1.59 ea. I think the whole board ass'y could be built for under $15.
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