Sunday, February 14, 2010

Quick post

Well, I got some REAL disks made today so I could properly exercise my CoCo. Tried TW128, WorddPower 3.3, and VIP Writer (couldn't get it to print). Kinda cool watching that old Okidata 320 Turbo's print head flying back & forth. Noisy as hell, but it still works. Son next, I made a few disks of games. Goldrunner 2000 absolutely ROCKS!!! I spent most of the day playing that. I also played some Z-89. Cool graphics, but, a little sluggish.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Well, I finally got an emulator back up an running. I like VCC since it runs on XP/7 and I can still create REAL floppies with it. Since I finally have real CoCo hardware set up, it was time. An important note about VCC and the fdrawcmd utility - the documentation for VCC states it will not work with any version of fdrawcmd than, and that is a fact. will not work with VCC, as I found out this week.

Hopefully, this week I'll get the sound system installed in the repack unit, and the I can work on the MPI. The repack has already been 6309'd, and I need to order a 512k kit from C9. After all of that is done, I need to wire up all of the CoCo's ports to be accessible from outside the case, AND, make the Atari j/s interface. Once all of this is done, tested and working, I get to clean up all the rough spots and then paint the case. Sounds easy, huh...

